Resources: Lists

Website Lists

LGBT+ Fantasy Book Rec List

Sex/Gender in Science Fiction Rec List

List of LGBT Positive Publishers

Disability in Kid Lit Book List

Diversity in Fantasy and Science Fiction Lists

Ace/Aro Reading List

Duane Simolke's Gay Scifi/Fantasy/Horror List

Rainbow Project List

Must-Read SFF By Authors of Color

Goodreads Lists

LGBT+ Scifi and Fantasy

LGBT Positive SF/F

Non-Caucasian protagonists in SF/F, Horror, and Paranormal

Speculative Fiction by Authors of Color

Gender Nonbinary Fantasy and Science Fiction

Booklist for Trans Teens

Gender-Bending Books

Best M/M Speculative Fiction of 2013

Best Fantasy Books with Gay Main Characters

Disability in Science Fiction

SF/F with Deaf Characters

Award-Nominated Asian SF/F Writers

YA SF/F with Major LGBTQ Characters

Lesbian Fantasy

F/F Paranormal and Urban Fantasy

Trans Characters in Science Fiction

Books With Gender-Neutral Main Characters

Asexuality in YA

Queer Romance with Asexual Main Character


Multicultural and Queer Steampunk

Middle Grade SFF with WOC Protagonists

Transgender Sword & Sorcery